Serve Tactics: Where and How to Hit Your First & Second Serves

When it comes to the game of tennis, serving is an essential skill that can make or break a match. Whether you're a beginner looking to master your first serve or a more experienced player aiming to improve your second serve, understanding the serve tactics is crucial.

In this article, we’ll show you the best ways to execute your serves, giving you the knowledge and confidence to dominate the court. So, let's dive in and uncover the secrets to serving success!

Understanding The Importance Of First And Second Serves

Serving is a crucial aspect of any tennis match. It not only starts the point but also provides an opportunity to take control of the game. 

Your first serve sets the tone for each point and can influence the outcome of a game. Here’s why first serves are so important:

1. Initiating the Point: The first serve allows you to start the point on your terms. A strong first serve can make your opponent feel pressured, giving you an advantage.  

2. Control and Variety: A successful first serve gives you control over the point. You can control the speed, spin, and direction of the ball, making it difficult for your opponent to hit it back well. 

3. A good first serve can win you points easily and give you confidence in the match.


The Role Of Second Serves

While the first serve is crucial, the second serve carries its own significance. Let’s delve into why second serves matter:

1. Second serves help you recover from a missed first serve and keep the ball in play. 

2. When hitting the second serve, you can focus more on precision and placement instead of power. To use your second serve effectively, aim for your opponent’s weak spots. This can also force them into bad positions on the court.

 3. Keep the pressure on your opponent with a second serve, even if it’s not as strong. Aim for depth, spin, and accuracy to unsettle their return and maintain control of the point.

Key Differences Between First And Second Serves

Understanding the differences between first and second serves is crucial for tennis players. These differences greatly impact the success and effectiveness of your serving strategy. Let’s take a look at the main differences.

Power Vs. Placement

The emphasis on power characterizes the first serve. Players often aim to hit the ball with the greatest force, aiming for speed and aggression. A powerful first serve puts pressure on the opponent, causing them to return weakly or lose the point.

However, the second serve prioritizes placement over pure power. Although speed is important, accuracy and precision are the main priorities. The aim is to tactically place the serve in the corners or specific zones on the opponent’s side of the court. Players can disrupt their opponent’s rhythm and win points by purposefully placing shots.


Both the first and second serves rely on consistency, but in different ways. When you start serving, consistency is important. This means hitting a strong and accurate serve consistently. To achieve this, you need to balance power and control. Make sure your first serve always lands where you want it and with enough speed.

For the second serve, consistency involves delivering a reliable serve under pressure. Since the second serve is often hit with less power, its success lies in the consistency of placement. Reliably hitting the second serve is important. It keeps the opponent on their toes and prevents them from taking advantage of a weaker serve. To stay in control of the point, be consistent with the second serve to avoid double faults.


Variation is an essential aspect when it comes to serving in tennis. Both the first and second serves need some variation.

When you serve for the first time, try using different moves to surprise the opponent. This will make it harder for them to predict your shot. This can include changing the placement, spin, or speed of the serve.

When it comes to the second serve, variation is also important but in a different way. The second serve is usually hit with less power. Players can use spin, placement, and trajectory to make it harder for opponents to attack. 

Where To Aim Your First Serve

Knowing where to aim when serving in tennis can give you a big advantage over your opponent. Let’s look at three good ways to improve your first serve.

Targeting The T

In tennis, aiming for the T is a popular and effective serve. The T is the center of the service box. To confuse your opponent, aim for the T and make them unsure where you’ll hit.

When you aim for the T, it’s harder for your opponent to return the serve strongly and accurately. This position helps you open the court, giving you more chances to hit winners on your next shot.

Going Wide

For your first serve, you can also aim towards the corners of the service box. Using this tactic can surprise your opponent and make them reach for the ball. Increasing their chances of making a mistake.

When you hit the ball wide, your opponent won’t expect it and may struggle to return it. It also opens up the court, giving you more space to control the rally from the very first shot.

Attacking The Body

Targeting the body with your first serve can be a powerful and unexpected tactic. By aiming at your opponent’s body, you take away their time to react and limit their options for a strong return.

When you attack your opponent’s body, they have to defend themselves. This makes it hard for them to hit back with strength or accuracy. This strategy works well, especially against opponents who struggle with body shots.

How To Execute A Strong First Serve

Proper Grip And Stance

Having the right grip and stance is essential for a strong first serve. To start, hold the racket with a continental grip. This means your index finger’s base knuckle is on the third bevel of the handle. This grip allows for the most power and control during the serve.

To start, stand with your feet apart, one foot slightly ahead of the other. By using a staggered stance, you can hit a powerful serve while staying balanced and stable.

Generating Power Through Body Rotation

To generate power in your first serve, it is crucial to use your body’s rotation. As you prepare to serve, turn your shoulders and hips sideways, facing the net. During the serve, the coiling motion stores potential energy that can be unleashed.

As you begin to serve, use your legs, core, and shoulder rotation to generate power. When you move in a certain order, energy goes through your body and helps you serve the ball with power and impact.

Timing And Contact Point

Timing and contact point play a vital role in the effectiveness of your first serve. Aim to make contact with the ball at the highest point possible, slightly in front of your body. This timing allows you to hit the ball at its optimal trajectory and generate maximum power.

When it comes to contact point, strive to make contact with the ball at the center of the racket’s strings. This sweet spot provides a clean and solid hit, increasing your accuracy and power. Experiment with your swing and adjust your timing to find the contact point that works best for you.

Mastering The Second Serve

When it comes to tennis, the second serve is often seen as a crucial shot that can make or break a player’s game. The first serve is powerful and aggressive. But the second serve needs precision and strategy. 

Kick Serve

The kick serve, also known as the topspin serve, is a valuable weapon in a player’s arsenal. It involves hitting the ball with a topspin motion, causing it to bounce high and kick off the court surface. This serve works well against opponents who struggle with high bounces or returning aggressively.

Slice Serve

The slice serve is different from the kick serve because it uses sidespin instead of topspin. To hit the ball away from the opponent, brush it from the side so it curves. The slice serve works well against opponents who have trouble predicting and controlling the ball.

Flat Serve

The flat serve, as the name suggests, is a straightforward and powerful serve that doesn’t rely on spin. To hit the ball well, make a clean, flat contact. This helps it go fast without much movement. Players often use the flat serve to surprise opponents or set up a strong shot.

Practice Drills For Improving Serve Tactics

Mastering the art of serving in tennis requires practice and precision. To improve your serve, include drills in your training. This will make your serve more accurate, powerful, and fast. Let’s explore some helpful drills to improve your serving tactics.

Serve Accuracy

1. To practice, place targets on each side of the court. Aim for different areas like corners or service line. Keep practicing your serves to hit the targets accurately. Adjust your technique and aim as necessary.

2. Service Box Challenge: Break the service box into smaller sections. Try to consistently hit each section. Start by targeting the corners, then progress to the middle sections. This drill will help you improve your serve accuracy and control where the ball goes.

Serve Placement

1. To practice the Corner-to-Corner Drill, serve to one corner of the service box. Then, try to hit the opposite corner with your next serve. Switch between the two corners. Make sure to place them consistently and adjust your technique when needed.

2. To improve your game, switch between serving wide and serving deep in the service box. This drill will help you improve your serve by changing where you aim it. It will make it harder for your opponent to predict your next shot.

Serve Speed And Power

1. Explosive Hip Drill: Focus on generating power from your hip rotation. Practice exploding forward from your back leg while thrusting your hips forward. This movement will translate into greater speed and power in your serve.    

2. Medicine Ball Throws: These improve your power and strengthen your serving arm. Get into position and throw the medicine ball forward, as if you are serving. Repeat this exercise regularly to increase your serve speed and power.

Extenuating Factors

In tennis, many things can affect your ability to serve well. Besides technique and strategy, consider factors that impact your serves.

Court Surface

The type of court surface you are playing on can have a significant impact on your serves. Different surfaces, such as grass, clay, and hard courts, can affect the bounce and speed of the ball. On faster surfaces, like grass or hard courts, your serve may skid quickly, making it harder to return. But, clay courts tend to slow down the ball, giving your opponent more time to react.

Weather Conditions

Weather conditions, such as wind, humidity, and temperature, can greatly influence your serves. When it’s windy, it’s hard to control where the ball goes, so mistakes happen. Humidity can affect the grip on the ball, making it harder to generate spin or control.

Opponent’s Return Abilities

When returning serves, it’s important to consider your opponent’s abilities and preferences. Some players prefer one side of the court, while others struggle with powerful serves or spin. 

To gain an advantage, assess your opponent’s return game and use that information. To win points off your serve, target weaknesses or exploit patterns.

Mental Pressure

In tennis, serving requires both physical and mental strength. The pressure of important points or tense situations can impact your serve. Nerves and doubt can lead to an increased likelihood of errors or a loss of focus. 

To overcome challenges, you need mental strength and belief in your serving skills. Visualizing and using positive self-talk techniques can help you stay calm and composed.

Fatigue And Energy Levels

Your physical condition and energy levels can impact your serve effectiveness. Fatigue can lead to a loss of power or control, affecting the quality of your serves. To serve well in matches, it’s important to stay fit and keep track of your energy levels. To prevent fatigue from affecting your serves, make sure to rest, drink water, and exercise.

Take Novak Djokovic, for instance. He changed his diet and overhauled his way of life to improve.

Crush Your Serving Tactics To Win More Points

To sum up, knowing how to serve well can really improve your tennis skills. You can gain an advantage over your opponent by placing your serves tactically. Remember to vary your serves and aim for different spots on the court to keep your opponent guessing. 

Practice is key when it comes to refining your serving skills. So make sure to dedicate time to perfecting your technique. With these serve tactics in your arsenal, you’ll be on your way to acing your way to victory on the tennis court.

If you liked these tips, why not check out our courses? We take you through:

Secrets of the Serve

Return of Serve

Carving the Slice Serve

Kick Serve Buckaroo

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